In the aftermath of a massive earthquake in California, a rescue-chopper pilot makes a dangerous journey with his ex-wife across the state in order to rescue his daughter.

Director: Brad Peyton
Writers: Carlton Cuse (screenplay), Andre Fabrizio (story), 1 more credit »
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario


In San Andreas, California is experiencing a statewide earthquake that goes on record as easily the biggest earthquake in history. Dwayne Johnson plays Ray Gaines, a helicopter rescue pilot for the Los Angeles Fire Department, who is trying to find his daughter, Blake (Alexandra Daddario), who is in San Francisco amidst the chaos. Ray's estranged wife, Emma, is forced to turn to Ray for help, as he is her last resort. Together they journey to save their daughter.

User Reviews

This movie basically contains every cliché for an action movie possible and does so in such a bad way I can't even put it into words.

The CG in this film is absolutely incredible in most parts and the acting is OK for this kind of film. Unfortunately, this doesn't save it and how this was ever green-lit amazes me.

The entire plot is ridiculous right from the beginning of the film - basic physics doesn't seem to exist in the universe of this film for some reason.

The film literally ends with the USA flag flying which made me almost cry with laughter.

Only watch for amusement at the amount of clichés you can spot. Trust me. There are many.

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